Thursday, April 11, 2013


What is money?

The definition of money vary from point of view of people in different industries.  according to cliffnotes, Money is any good that is widely used and accepted in transactions involving the transfer of goods and services from one person to another. in short, money is used for daily transactions.

Where do we use money

I grew up where money was used to PAY our expenses, i was raised where when money comes, it was from one source of income of my parents, their salary. once money was there mos of it was allocated for our  expenses. but seldom do I see money from other sources. Looking back now makes me think and somewhat hurt, because my parents were earning a descent amount of money, not just the average amount, but really big money, however I don't seem to understand why we were growing slowly.

We experienced life, not to its fullest, but to its challenges.  Although we were earning money, the thing is that, we were working for money. money is always a BIG subject for the family, when money is involved, little is known. when the word investing is raised, they would instantly say it is risky, and you would only loose money in that manner they would say," better put your money in a business and let it earn for you", a bit tricky eh? well the point is that, there are things that my family did not know about.

Application of Money

the application of money does not necessarily means the way you spend your money, but it is the best way for you make your money work for you.  first things first, MONEYPLICATION is money application leading to money multiplication. My focus here is to eliminate ignorance in the minds of our people in order for them to make money grow.

Most of us receive money from paychecks issued by different employers, or perhaps commissions given by big real estate companies, or perhaps income from businesses that we have.

As a kid my parents always told to study hard get good grades so you could get a good job with high pay. I grew up with this principles in my mind, even after I graduated from high school. until I encountered my Managerial Finance III, which was focused on how money works. during the entire semester I listened to our professor, Fr. Amper, who seem to repeat 3 concepts over and over again.

  • Anyone can be wealthy
  • Money is everywhere
  • Knowledge = Money
Anyone can be Wealthy

I doubted at first when I heard this statement, but after a while, I understood what Fr. Amper was talking about. He was a priest yet he was wealthier than any priest I met in my entire life, but  he does not look the part. He insisted that age, does not matter in becoming wealthy, he even gave us an example of an 11 year old kid who is a self made MILLIONAIRE, imagine!! an 11 year old kid? sheesh, what kinda kid is that, but anyways. thats that.

Money is Everywhere

This is what I liked the most, we have been programmed, ( yes! I use the words Programmed because we were told this throughout our lives), that money only comes from salaries. or businesses, BUT, here's the good part. Actually, money is everywhere!! YES!! Everywhere. Now, I know you're wondering, where?
let me give you a hint by sharing with you a quote that I like

"opportunities are everywhere, all you have to do is Look and make it happen"

Knowledge = Money

Businesses earn money, products earn money, commissions earn money, selling earns money, but can these businesse earn withouth the prior knowledge to do so?, can you sell a product whithout knowing its uses?, can you earn commissions if you don't know what you're selling?. it is the idea that brings money.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, always emphasized that our Mind is our greatest investment. simply put just grow your mind, and everything follows.

How To grow you mind.

allow yourself to learn things from various people, but don't limit to just that, read materials that can be of use to you that you know would bring you money, but, here is the thing. DO NOT READ THINGS THAT DOES NOT INTEREST YOU, why? that's obvious, because you won't grow in it. if you love what you're doing success surely follows, as my teacher always reminded me.

"Do your Best in what you love, And success will follow" - Dr. Ernest Golosino -

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